Playing poker enthralls all those who love to play it wholeheartedly. However, if going to a casino doesn’t interests you so much, try your luck through online poker. With the growing popularity of online casino games number of gamers have also increased in the last couple of years. All you require is a computer system and an Internet connection to get started. Poker however is a card game, which is played by shared betting and usually hand rankings. In a standard poker game, normally the first round is started with a bet by one of the players and then carried on further.Poker was primarily founded by some Canadians in New Orleans and then gained its popularity amongst travelers who went from one place to the other in ships. These days a large number of people play Poker with the fact that it is the most enjoyable casino games. Although, the game of Poker is enjoyed more when played in an actual casino, it can be played at homes as well. So, if you think you have that extra X-factor and expertise to play the game, try giving it a shot. Who knows, maybe it can prove lucky for you and make you win lots of money.